Ukraine VS Russia Russian Soldier Brutally Thrashed For Refusing To Fight In War

Ukraine VS Russia Russian Soldier Brutally Thrashed For Refusing To Fight In War

Russian Soldier Brutally Threshed: A Russian soldier who refused to continue fighting in Ukraine has been badly beaten. He was beaten until his face was completely covered in blood. This has been claimed by the victim’s father. The victim’s father has narrated his ordeal to the BBC.

The father of the victim Russian said that he had asked his son not to go to war. When he refused, he was badly beaten. President Vladimir Putin ordered the mobilization of hundreds of thousands of Russians to fight in Ukraine on 21 September, leading to protests.

The father said, “It was a difficult decision for him. I told him that this is not our fight. This is not a war of liberation. After this he refused to join the war in writing.

The father continued, “They beat him and then they took him outside as if they were going to shoot him. They put him on the ground and asked him to count to ten. He refused, so they hit him several times on the head with a pistol. He told me that his face was covered in blood.

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The BBC report said the soldier was a serving officer in the Russian army when Putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine on February 23. Initially he felt it right, but later he did not consider the war right.

Zelensky asked for long range weapons from G-7 countries

The war between Russia and Ukraine has been going on for the last nine and a half months. Many areas of Ukraine have been destroyed. Thousands of people have lost their lives in this war. The soldiers of Ukraine are also fighting strongly against the Russian army. In the midst of all this, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, has appealed to the G-7 countries for military help.

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky, facing a shortage of military weapons, has urged the G-7 countries to send more long-range weapons in the middle of the war.

Appeal for military help from G-7 countries

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky on Monday appealed to the Group of Seven Nations (G-7 Countries) to send an additional two billion cubic meters of natural gas to his government. Apart from this, Zelensky has urged to help supply modern tanks, artillery units and shells as well as long-range weapons.

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